Established in 1970

hi, i'm joe (adventure hermit)
Compass Work began for me before I even hit double digits in my youth. It began to formalize when I learned about Ikigai, Essence, Enneagram, and other philosophies and teachings.
It’s part of a lifelong quest to understand myself and others to make the most of my limited trips around the sun.
I strive to live a life of adventure with an open heart!
Hi, I’m Joe, known in some circles as Adventure Hermit! I’ve literally and figuratively led an eclectic life of dead-ends, wrong turns, u-turns, and experienced the occasional mountain top moment. Eventually, I learned I wasn’t always following my dreams, but I was living out someone else’s; parents, peers, teachers, and employers, even as an adult.
I discovered the Enneagram, Ikigai, Shadow Work, and more. It opened me up to a whole new way of approaching myself and the world around me. As a result, I left a career of nearly 20 years. I then dedicated myself to re-discovering my purpose and learning to trust my heart, mind, and body over what others expected of me. Things I had forgotten with time.
It began with a goal to improve myself and better bond with and support my daughters. But, it evolved into something much bigger. I saw how valuable this work would have been to me when I was younger. So I set about creating Compass Work to simplify what I had learned to help other parents to help themselves and the young adults in their lives.